Wednesday, October 24, 2007

War is cool

If somebody thinks the people in the video are just paid actors. I just went home from the campus, and saw a booth on the main square of the campus. It was the booth from the conversative student group trying to recruit new members. There slogan big over the booth is "F**K the U.N.". Ihr seht die sind hier sogar zu dämlich um US richtig zu buchstabieren!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ah pictures says more than 1000 words...

... how is it with a short movie?

Check out the movie, maybe you can argue. They just have interviewed the dumbest.

And yes you are right the asked the Ameri.....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Caribbean & the jungle in Texas

Last week I met some ITV’ler in Cancun. Sorry I have to admit I haven’t taken a single picture. Anyway who wants to see pictures can do so on Heitzi’s and Spitzi’s blog.
What happened in Cancun was awesome. Ohh since the Caribbean it’s funny I still feel bad to say awesome but I love the word cunt (Cheers Liam old fucking Skullfucker) they love the word here, or at least I love it and I love to watch their shocked faces. Anyhow I met Spitzi and Heitzi in Cancun as start for a 5 days long Weekend. Cancun, a City which is known as the number one spot, where you have to be during Spring-Break. White Sand Beaches, Party and Drunken Americans. Fortunately or unfortunately however your interests are it wasn’t Spring-Break. That means no Drunken Americans. But still White Sand Beaches, Palms and turquoise Water (So ein Scheiß wort zum schreiben, Turkish water würd viel leichter aus Hand fallen). And Austrian drinking habits – very important.

Ok I have to admit I missed a bite not feeling as my IQ is really 140. Some German girls immediately took the piss out of me just because I haven’t known where I am. Come on I’m from Texas babes I don’t have to know where I am. But I conducted a proper research in one of my sophisticated Intercultural classes. And now I know perfectly where I was. Yukatan must be somewhere in the south, almost on the border to Mechico or however this state in the south is called.

For sure it is near the border, their English was even worse than ours. Babe’s I’m from Texas I know everythink even that thing and think means almost the same.

Anyway after I made use of my brand-new Spanish skills, to find the way to the citycenter with the Bus system (Public Transport I haven’t known that something like this still exist. Ok I admit I missed it a little bit just a tiny little bit. But here in Texas we believe in V8 for everyone, just to help people like my parents saving some money for heating. At least 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit will come from us. Cheers dudes! But this is another story)

Now I want to tell about the Caribbean. I met Spitzi and Heitzi for one night in Cancun at the citycenter. They had a warm welcome in a warm country. Mexican beer, Tequila and a worm were on the menu, some of us even fall in love with Bull-Milk. And so I was prepared for the CoCo Bongo. A breathtaking Nigthclub / Theater. Now I know what all the big names in show business (Beetlejuice, Spiderman, Travolta, Madonna, Beyonce, and Michael Jackson himself are doing to earn some extra pesos, but now Michael looks a bit like a Mexican maybe that’s they newest trend in Hollywood. Anyhow they work in the Coco Bongo. My personal favorite was the Minime from Beetlejuice. What else happened I got roped by the police. Verdammt nichtmal in Mexico is trinken in der Öffentlichkeit erlaubt, nichtmal Bier. But yeah the police just wanted money and ok I gave them a 15 bucks tip I hadn’t more with me anyway.

But than I lost a bit my memorio but a picture from Spitzi proofs somebody was keen enough to buy me a pizza and to asleep at almost the some time. It would be nice to send me that picture or Spitzi if I were you I would put my work of art as your picture on Facebook.

Oh fuck I got addicted to Facebook, I want to be able to buy the Bat Mobil unfortunately I need 500,000 points for it so If you are on Facebook, just add me as friend, than I will send you an invitation for Petrol Head than you add this application and I will receive 1000 Points. I already have 26000 I just need about ~ voiviel points more to get it. I don’t care if you really know me or not. Just add me so that I can invite you. Also tell all your friends to do so.

Ok back to the Caribbean after this night I come back to me some hours later when we were already in Chichen Itza to show them a real wonder of the world – insider -.
After we had left this culture scene. Which yes as real Texan I didn’t really feel well there. We met Markus with some other Exchange Students from Cuernavaca. At probably the best beach I have ever seen and 27°C warm turquoise water. Small huts directly on the beach, almost no electricity and a panorama Window in the shower with sea view. Österreicher Herz was willst du mehr als diesen Anblick sogar am Klo.
Unfortunately, I just was there for three days. Than one more day of snorkeling on the isla mujeres and back to Denton, TX. Oh it was hard back here but some drunken nights brought me over it.

But it is also possible to find some nature in Texas. Ok it isn’t the real Rainforest but they tried their best and it still was funny, even when they told me I’m to old for ballon – Animal - Hats. Texas we have our own way to be in the nature. Pictures:

Denn Sie wissen nicht was sie tun

Also very interesting the knowledge of some Texans: I don’t want to say every Texan is stupid they just different. They just have a bit a different culture. For example I had to choose a topic for a presentation in a class, called Professional Presentation which is my great technical class. But this is another topic I don’t want to complain anymore.
My chosen topic is Global Warming. Which means tell the Students something about this topic. And to make sure you use the right level of language we all had to create a Questionnaire (multiple choice because of a matter of time, which wasn’t on our side) and fill out all the questionnaires of the 19 other students. To find out the background knowledge of the audience.
Anyhow, one of my 12 questions was:

How will the USA be affected by Global Warming?
O Positive O Negative O Not affected at all.

Ok 14 answers were O Positive.

OK why not. I hope they are right but I can’t agree.
But I have to admit I also were not able to know the right diameter of fiberglass cable is 1,7 ; 1,8 or 1,9 micrometer. Ok even I don’t know everything :-<

Cheers from the pride home of George Wanker Bush

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

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Anecdotes about the “homos americanus”

The Americans have found a new axis of evil and we all have to help them for the greater good. Kathrina, the tsunami at the south east pacific area and even the floods and avalanches in Europe have proofed the real enemy the real axis of evil goes thru the poles “nein Magda und flo nicht Polen” . Yes it is a matter of fact even uranium is supplied from the earth to the Irans. Therefore my request to all people who where tortured from her. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!! Against this new threat. There’s just one way how to stop global warning, we have to kill the reason for it, the earth! Our planet is too small for both of us humans and the earth.

My new friends here are fighting already back. First I was wondering why the most advanced culture on this planet is using such old technology. Why they don’t leave there safe buildings and when than just to run as quick as possible to the next safe place, the car. Even when I stupid as I was, was thinking they have here probably the best weather you can just imagine. Once I thought maybe all Texans are vampires, killed by the sun. But no! Now we have to understand, we are being attacked! The world outside isn’t safe anymore.

Here they know the only safe air you can inhale has to come out of an Air Conditioning. At best from a really old loud one, because these are our real weapons against our new aggressor.

Here in Texas the people also drive their car to the next bar which is about 200m away from there flat even when the way from the parking lot to the bar or from the flat is more than 200m. Neighbor I am proud of you! You are my hero. Even when he fell asleep at his way back in front of the traffic lights, but it was at least 20 sec red! But this is the spirit which we need, to kill our tormentor!

Einschub für meine Geschwister ein Tipp furs leben niemals Schlaftabletten nehmen wenn ihr noch in der Bar seid, sowas nimmt man, wenn überhaupt, erst wenn man schon zu Hause ist.

Für alle Texaner die deutsch können, am besten gleich die ganze Packung!

But here another useful hint for all the people out there, you can’t trust earth anymore. If you want vitamins eat pills. And if you really think you still have to eat vegetables be sure they haven’t ever seen daylight, and as mentioned vitamins come for pills not vegetables!

Naja das war ein kleiner Ausflug in die Amerikanische Mentalität, und dieser scheiß hat tatsächlich einen wahren hintergrund. Ein Aspekt den weder Hofstede noch Hofstadler als kulterelle Eigenheit jemals angeführt haben. Und ich war ziemlich schockiert, weiß aber nicht was mich mehr schockiert hat in der Vorlesung mal was neues interessantes zu hören oder die amerikanische Einstellung die sich wie ich meine von der Östereichischen doch äußerst unterscheidet. Während es in Österreich ein bestreben ist im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben. Oder wie meine Mutter dich ich ganz lieb grüßen will “Ich Liebe dich” (Na für alle Mädls da draußen is das nicht mal was ein Mann der zu seinen Gefühlen steht Tel.Nr.: (940) 597 5184)Wie man in den Wald hineinschreit so kommt es zurück. Versucht der Amerikaner die Natur durch immer neue Technologie zu beherschen bzw. zu versklaven. Ich wundere mich nur wenn er das versucht warum ist hier so viel Technology im Vergleich zu Europa so veraltet?

But I wanna end this essay to say also something good about the citizens here in Texas, the people here are probably the most friendly people I have ever met. Maybe they are superficial but who cares I don’t want to marry everyone of them. Girls please remember my number!

Cheers aus der “neu, veralteten” Welt

PS.: The Car you can see under this post is a Mustang Cobra (650 Horse Power) driven by a 19 year old, who wasn't able to park it backwards in front of the Hooters.
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